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If you live in a city that attracts a steady stream of tourists, you already know (and side-eye) the chain restaurants that they tend to gravitate towards, even when. After having watched Penis Size Insecurity By Men, it's now time to move on to lesson two and have a look at womens insecurities: The Perfect Vagina. Fronted by Lisa.
What Local Spots in Your City Should Visitors Go to Instead of Chain Restaurants? If you live in a city that attracts a steady stream of tourists, you already know (and side- eye) the chain restaurants that they tend to gravitate towards, even when there are perfectly delicious local options they could eat at instead—for instance, out- of- towners in New York flocking to the Times Square Olive Garden for their Italian food fix, rather than an equally family- friendly and delicious option like Parm. So, what local spots should visitors to your city eat at instead of the chain options?
One thing to note: people visiting another city or country can often find familiar cuisine comforting, so it’s okay if people don’t want to try regional specialities for this one. That said, there’s still plenty of non- chain restaurants travelers should go for. In San Francisco, St.
Francis Fountain and Dottie’s True Blue Cafe are both much better choices than Mel’s Drive- in or Denny’s. Or Lanza Brothers and Yang Chow in Los Angeles, instead of Subway and Panda Express.
Share the best local restaurants in your city and what chain they’re an alternative to, and if you have one, what dish visitors should order!
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