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Hollywood's Best Friends (And Mortal Enemies)Hollywood is a land of both friendships and rivalries. For every story of famous co- stars who sparked a special bond, you find an infamous tale of two actors with clashing egos. Study any era of Hollywood, from its golden age to its current mega- blockbuster saturated incarnation, and you’ll find pairs of stars who both love and despise each other. Public fascination with celebrity BFFs and mortal enemies seems to be of equal fervor. As a society, we seem to find equal satisfaction with the lifelong friendship of Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Maguire as we do the bitter feud between Star Trek veterans William Shatner and George Takei. We are warmed by the eternal bromances of Rogen and Franco, or Clooney and Pitt, yet we take morbid pleasure in the legendary feud between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Whether friends or enemies, there’s just something about the exaggerated relationships of larger- than- life Hollywood personalities that keep us fascinated in their world.

We live in an era where the stories behind movie productions are creating an industry as big as the film industry itself, but our fascination with the relationships between our favorite stars behind the scenes is hardly anything new. So let’s take a look back at some of Hollywood’s greatest friendships, as well as its most bitter feuds, with 1. Co- Stars Who Are Real- Life Buddies (And 1.

PREFACE. Although forty years have passed since the death of Willa Cather in 1947, she never has been the subject of a full-length biography. When she died, her. E! Online - Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! Download free full unlimited movies! There are millions of movies, videos and TV shows you can download direct to your PC. From Action, Horror, Adventure, Children.

Who Hate Each Other). Enemies: Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mc. Adams. A whole book could be written about movies that produce vicious feuds between their romantic leads.

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From Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot to Nick Nolte and Julia Roberts in I Love Trouble, Hollywood has clocked in its fair share of on- screen romances- turned- behind- the- scenes squabbles. One of the most famous on- screen rifts of recent years was that of Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mc. Adams in The Notebook.

The two had sufficient on- screen chemistry, but it wasn’t enough to keep them from having serious issues with one another between takes. According to Notebook director Nick Cassavetes, Gosling and Mc. Fail Safe Movie Watch Online. Adams were at serious odds during the making of the movie. Casualties Of War Full Movie'>Casualties Of War Full Movie.

Gosling went so far as to ask Cassavetes to start auditioning other actresses to take Mc. Adams’ place. Fortunately, the director ended up staging an intervention for the two leads, forcing them to get it all out in the open until their conflict was resolved. Production on the film remained rocky, but ultimately, tensions fizzled. The two leads even ended up in an off- screen relationship together for a while. Buddies: Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams. Stark sisters Sansa and Arya may not always get along on Game of Thrones, but their real- life counterparts are true best buds. One brief browse of the social media accounts of either actress will show that Go.

T stars Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams have a special bond. The pair have been practically inseparable since the day they met, becoming one of the most adorable BFF pairings you could ever hope to see. On screen, the two actresses have been apart for some time, portraying two very separate journeys for their respective characters, both geographically and thematically.

The plot surrounding Sansa and Arya’s reunion in Season 7 was met with mixed reviews by fans and critics, but there’s no doubt that the real- life chemistry between the two actresses bled into their scenes together. Game of Thrones only has one season remaining, but here’s hoping we see Sophie and Maisie’s real life adventures together for many years to come. Enemies: Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes. Stories of Blade: Trinity’s troubled production have been rolling out for years. Everything from studio overreach to difficulties between director David S.

Goyer and star Wesley Snipes seemed to have doomed the third entry in the Blade film series from the start. But the most famous and longstanding tale of Blade: Trinity’s tricky shoot is the onset feud between Snipes and co- star Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds was far from the only person on the set of Trinity to endure abuse from the disgruntled Snipes, who reportedly spent the majority of production smoking marijuana in his trailer and mostly refusing to speak with Goyer. But it’s his colorful interactions with Reynolds that have gotten the most attention. Snipes was reported to have been disparaging to Reynolds frequently on set, calling him a “cracker” on more than one occasion. Buddies: Tina Fey and Amy Pohler.

These two former SNL Weekend Update co- anchors, frequent collaborators, and comedy powerhouses have only become a stronger and more exciting duo as the years have gone by. From Baby Mama to Sisters, Fey and Poehler always bring out the best and funniest in one another when they work together. And it probably has something to do with the fact that they’re practically family in real life. Fey and Poehler first met in the Chicago improv scene in the early ‘9. Saturday Night Live. On SNL, the pair not only killed it as co- anchors on Weekend Update, but appeared together in some of the most memorable sketches of their time on the show (Mom Jeans, anyone?).

Since then, the two have kept working together in the movie biz and remain the closest of friends. Enemies: Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett.

The 2. 00. 3 buddie- cop comedy Hollywood Homicide was kind of a disaster. The jokes weren’t funny, the action felt like a weak imitation of an ’8. Perhaps that last part has something to do with the fact that action veteran Harrison Ford and then- hearthrob Josh Hartnett didn’t get along for the majority of production. Even if Ford and Hartnett had got along swimmingly, the film would likely have still been a bland bomb. Though they had a difficult time even talking to each other for the majority of production, according to Hartnett, he and Ford did manage to bridge their personal gap, at least partially, by the time the movie wrapped up.

Unfortunately, they had so little to work with in terms of the script that no mended relationship could’ve saved this misfire. Buddies: Daniel Radcliffe and Dane De. Haan. The 2. 01. 3 festival flick Kill Your Darlings tells the story of a murder in 1. Allen Ginsberg (Daniel Radcliffe), Jack Kerouac (Jack Huston) and William Burroughs (Ben Foster). The whole cast of young stars conveys an authentic sense of closeness and camaraderie that was surely created behind the scenes of the low- budget production. Both during and after promotion for the film, Radcliffe in particular was very vocal about his strong kinship with co- star Dane De. Haan. In some interviews, Radcliffe even went so far as to say that De.

Haan was the best friend he had made since he started acting—a noteworthy statement, considering the fact that Radcliffe grew up in the spotlight of Harry Potter with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. Enemies: Jerome Flynn and Lena Headey. Most of the cast members of Game of Thrones are close pals, but that doesn’t mean it’s all good times and friendship bracelets in Westeros. Co- stars Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn have a now- infamous ongoing, on- set feud that stems from a past romantic relationship between the two actors. Luckily, Headey and Flynn haven’t had to share much screen time in recent years, but when they do, they’ve been said to completely avoid speaking to one another unless absolutely necessary. On screen, Flynn’s character has spent a lot more time with Lannister brothers Jaime (Nikolaj Coster- Waldau) and Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) than Headey’s Cersei Lannister.

Perhaps the Go. T writers would do well to keep it that way, for the sake of the rest of the cast and crew. Buddies: Seth Rogen and James Franco. As two of the Apatow crew’s most towering figures, Seth Rogen and James Franco have converged and diverged from each other frequently over the course of their careers.

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